
Schlosspark Mauerbach

Herzog Friedrich-Platz 1, 3001 Mauerbach

Distances: City 20 km  |  Main station 15 km  |  Airport 45 km

Room rates:

Room rate categrory : Room rate categrory


Conference offers:

Schlosspark-seminar offer from € 62,00 per person per day

• Standard equipment in the main room:
Beamer & canvas, 2 flipcharts, 2 pin boards / whiteboards, 1 presentation case, W-Lan, phone calls home, Blocks & pins per participant
• Welcome coffee in the foyer
• Business Lunch at the restaurant
• 1 drink according Lunch at business lunch
• 2 coffee breaks in the foyer
• Bottled Water shut & tingling in the conference room
• apple, orange, multivitamin juice in the foyer
• Terms of breakout areas indoors and outdoors for group work outside the booked conference room

The offer prices are per person / day.
From a number of 8 people in rooms with 34 to 49 m² and down a number of participants of 12 people in rooms with 95-103m² we present the main room like free of charge


Please notice:
Die angegebenen Preise (auf Anfrage und nach Verfügbarkeit) können
sich zu bestimmten Zeiten (z.B. Messezeiten, Großveranstaltungen)
ändern. Änderungen bleiben vorbehalten.

   +49 221 71 66 44 0


28 Meeting rooms

Meeting up to 420 persons

Largest meeting room: 525 qm

Overall capacity: 450 sqm

22 Rooms

Room rates



